
Monday, May 11, 2020

StoneHouse Quilt Shop: spools of thread

While making a my quilt shop, I realized that I was going to need spools of thread.  A LOT of spools of thread.   I knew I wanted lots of different colors of threads!  I wanted this quilt shop to be a vibrant explosion of colors.   Sure I could buy something, but that is not the mission of this dollhouse.  This project is an attempt to creat everything from scratch and using items I already have at hand.  So I pondered for a bit and then I gathered my supplies.

All I needed were some q-tips, a variety of different colored embroidery floss, scissors and glue.   I was ready!

The first thing I did was to cut the cotton end off of the q-tip.   I found it best to just cut one end off to start.   I would be making about 5-6 spools from each q-tip and the second cotton side gave me a nice little grip/hand hold!

I then wound a bit of thread around the end.   I used a dab of glue to hold it into place before I started to wind and another dab of glue to hold the end into place when I had finished ‘filling’ my spool with thread.

After everything was nicely held into place with a dab of glue, (any glue works...I used tacky craft glue) I took my scissors   and snipped the q-tip  to disconnect the ‘spool of thread’ just a wee bit below the thread.  Seriously, I eyeballed this!

And voila.....we have a spool of thread!

I repeated this over and over.

And over ....

And over....

Until I had enough for my quilt shop.   Tedious, but so easy!!!

I decided to make shelves in my dollhouse to display my thread.  

I have plans to put make bins of white and black spools...those basic most used colors.  (Yes I made quite a few white spools and quite a few spools of black thread).  

It’s a work in progress, but these small projects are slowly bringing this miniature dollhouse quilt shop to life!!!!


  1. Such a clever method resulting in a colorful and eye catching display! Nice work!

  2. Your project is looking so cute. For me it is like deja vu all over again. I spent all of last year recreating the sewing center/quilt shop where my daughter works and presented it to her for her birthday in December. I feel your pain with the thread. I like your use of Q-tips; I used tiny styrene tubing which was hard to glue. A summary of my project is at My thread is in a vertical display in one of the photos.

    1. Thanks! I was stumped for a bit with the spools of thread. But they turned out pretty well and gave me that boost of color for sure!!!
